Learn about the history of different maps

Maps are important tools that have been used throughout history for a variety of purposes. The history of maps has a long history along with mankind’s geographical understanding and development, and has developed in accordance with various cultures and technological advancements.

Here is a brief overview of the map’s main developments and historical sequence.

Prehistoric Period: Early maps are believed to have been left primarily as drawings or carvings on cave walls. These primitive maps were used to represent the surrounding environment or to represent important locations such as hunting grounds and water sources.

Ancient Cultures: In ancient cultures, maps were used to record land boundaries and the locations of important cities and rivers. These maps were drawn on a variety of materials, including dirt, stone, and leather. 지적도 무료열람

Persia and Greece: In ancient Persian and Greek civilizations, maps played an important role in developing geographical understanding. They explored and mapped every nook and cranny.

Middle Ages: During the Middle Ages, maps were primarily used to indicate ports, ways of travel, Christian shrines, and land ownership. Maps during this period functioned as important tools of religion and power.

Age of Discovery: With the beginning of the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, maps emerged as an important part of navigation and exploration. Christopher Columbus and other explorers used a variety of maps to discover and chart new continents.

Modern Maps: Advances in geography and cartography in the 17th and 18th centuries laid the foundation for modern maps. Advances such as more accurate surveys and projections that take the curvature of the Earth into account have improved the accuracy of maps.

Intelligent maps: In modern times, advancements in digital and satellite technology have created interactive digital maps and GPS-based maps. These modern maps provide real-time location information and allow for the inclusion of more geographic data.

In this way, maps have evolved along with the history and development of mankind, and continue to develop as a tool to visually represent geographical information.